NEW BCU Business Plans - Choose Yours by January 20, 2024! - BCU Financial

NEW BCU Business Plans – Choose Yours by January 20, 2024!


Dear BCU Business Members,

In January 2020, we informed our business members that we will be implementing new tiered business plans and an updated fee structure to respond to the needs of our valued members.  These tiered plans and fees were set to begin in April 2020 but were postponed to assist our small business members in navigating the challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our NEW BCU Business Plans offer great value for money compared with other banks or credit unions.  We know that offering you the best plan possible will help your business minimize expenses while also allowing us to continue improving our service and product offerings to address your specific needs.

Here’s what you need to know:

In October 2023, we sent a letter to all of our BCU business members, informing them that the NEW BCU Business Plans will be implemented beginning January 01, 2024.  The BCU Business Freedom Plan will be automatically applied to your business account on December 31, 2023.

Here’s what you need to do:

If you wish to apply a different plan to your business account, you will need to choose your new plan no later than January 20th by filling out the form HERE.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local FSO, Branch Manager or Commercial Account Manager. We are here to help you every step of the way. Alternatively, you can connect with our BCU Link Contact Centre.

© 2024. BCU Financial – Buduchnist Credit Union