Financial Literacy Month 2023 - BCU Financial

Financial Literacy Month 2023


November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada. During Financial Literacy Month, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada engages with Canadians and works together with organizations across the country to help strengthen the financial literacy of individuals and families.

FLM 2023 is part of a multi-year campaign under the theme of “Managing Your Money in a Changing World” that is focused on addressing the financial issues most affecting Canadians and advancing the outcomes of the National Financial Literacy Strategy (National Strategy).

This year’s campaign will focus on the importance of checking up on your financial health and promote financial tools and resources to help Canadians manage their debt in challenging times. Managing debt remains a timely and important area of focus given rising debt levels, and the ongoing impact of higher cost-of-living and higher interest rates on Canadian households. It is also one of the key consumer building blocks of the National Strategy that leads to financial resilience.

Throughout the month, there will be weekly sub-themes to help focus our messaging:

financial literacy month 2023 fcac check up on your financial health

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