Meet our 2021 BCU Scholarship Recipients! - BCU Financial

Meet our 2021 BCU Scholarship Recipients!


Each year, BCU Financial awards scholarships to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and a commitment to community service.  BCU Financial is proud to continue the tradition of fostering excellence in our future generations.

BCU Financial strongly believes that supporting our youth is an important part of building a prosperous future for our community. BCU scholarships are presented to students who have distinguished themselves with excellent university assessments and are devoted to public work. The awards not only recognize the impressive academic achievements of deserving students but also recognize the important work these students make in their local communities. These students are dedicated not only to preserving their Ukrainian culture, but also to celebrating and promoting their heritage through volunteer work with various youth organizations, churches, and other community organizations.

BCU President & CEO, Oksana Prociuk, Chair of the BCU Board of Directors, Andrew Tarapacky, the 2021 BCU Scholarship Committee Chair, Nadiya Kuz, and Deputy Mayor, Chair of the Economic and Community Development, Councillor Ward 21- Scarborough Centre, Michael Thompson, presented the 2021 BCU Scholarship recipients with their awards, as well as customized scrolls from DM Thompson, on Saturday, September 18th, 2021, at the Old Mill in Toronto.

Congratulations to our 2021 BCU Scholarship Recipients!

BCU Scholarship
Danya Pankiw
 – Queen’s University, Concurrent Education B.Ed and B. SC Honours in Chemistry with a Certificate in Law
Maya Pankiw – McMaster University, Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences – Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Alana Kohut – McMaster University, Honours Life Sciences
Alexandra Holyk – Ryerson University, Journalism

Wolodymyr Klish Memorial Scholarship
Orest Benko
 – McMaster University – DeGroote School of Business
Honours Bachelor of Commerce, Minor in Innovation. Specialization in Accounting.

BCU High School Scholarship
Sofia Bilinska
 – University of Toronto, Mathematics
Alexa Saluchok – The University of Western Ontario, Health Sciences

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