Official Opening Of The Plast Toronto Refurbished Swimming Pool - BCU Financial

Official Opening Of The Plast Toronto Refurbished Swimming Pool


BCU Financial and BCU Foundation were major sponsors of the Plastova Sich pool restoration project donating a combined $100,000.

On July 15, 2023, BCU Financial and BCU Foundation representatives were present at the Plastova Sich in Grafton, Ontario where the newly refurbished swimming pool was officially opened after a blessing ceremony.

Andrij Tarapacky, Chair of the BCU Financial Board of Directors, Oksana Prociuk Ciz, President & CEO of BCU Financial, Roman Medyk, Chair of the BCU Foundation Board of Directors, as well as members of the BCU Financial Senior Management team attended the ceremony – Festyn.

Our youth is our future, and BCU firmly believes in supporting youth in their development as one of the important pillars of our community work. We are also proud to have Plastuny as members of our credit union and part of our Management and Board teams!

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